Even though I cloth diaper I have found that I cannot rely on the cloth nursing pads out there....It's true I have only tried one brand - a pretty inexpensive one at that. BUT I hate waking up in the morning with a wet t-shirt.....no wet t-shirt contest for this momma!!!!! Please if you have found a cloth style nursing pad that you LOVE, then you have to share with all of us :)
So the brands I've tested are as follows....
-Lansinoh Nursing Pads.. This has become my most dependable nursing pad to date...It's super absorbent and is pretty thin..which means it doesn't show through clothing!
-Lily Padz Reusable Nursing pads...I loved the idea of these nursing pads...However I feel the "stick" gave out after on about a month or two of use. I even purchased the special cleaner that was suppose to help keep them tacky. I did love how discreet they were and the fact that I didn't have noisy paper rustling around in my bra... Another down side to these was I never knew where to put them while I was nursing...Anything they touched stuck to the backing.
-The first years with lanolin...These are my top pick for NEW nursing moms. They are a little thicker than the Lansinoh which is great for extra absorbency AND they have lanolin applied to the center of each pad...Pretty genius I know!
-Simplisse Disposable pads... Now I actually haven't tried these. BUT they are ordered from my FAV Amazon and should be arriving Wed. I have heard great things about them and I feel at this point in my nursing game that I deserve the thinnest pad on the market... I'm excited to test it out and get back to you all :)
-And sadly I can't remember or find my purchase history on Amazon for the cloth/washable pads I had tried...I will update this post when and If I find that info....I am curious to which you have found to work best for you and why. I am SUPER interested in finding some awesome cloth nursing pads, so again please share if you know of some ;) Happy Memorial weekend Mommas!!!!!!
p.s. my fave are avent...
ReplyDeleteMy name is Lynsey and I love your site, I am a friend of a friend of Bree's (Ally F)
ReplyDeleteI love the Lansinoh brand, prob my fav. I was on a mission to try out every type but soon grew tired of trying crappy ones. I have tried: Avent(made circles under my bra), esp for MOM(babies r us)(was ok), gerber(leaks), NUK reusable cloth(leak, made circles under sports bra, which is way better than my nursing bra. If only Lansinoh made a cloth option!!
Just started using cloth diapers, sooo many questions...
Welcome Lyndsey!!! If you have any questions about cloth, feel free to email us at contactowlbee@yahoo.com! And I'm seeing ally today!!! Small world!